Textes et Études du Moyen Âge

Volume 77

Cover image
Cover illustration: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. Lat. 674, f. 1r, the incipit of Thomas Aquinas’s Expositio in Pauli epistolam ad Romanos.

Series Complete

Volumes 61-current
Volumes 41-60

Reading Sacred Scripture with Thomas Aquinas. Hermeneutical tools, theological questions and new perspectives

Edited by Piotr Roszak and Jörgen Vijgen

Brepols, Turnhout 2015; XVI + 601 p., 65 € h.t.; ISBN 978-2-503-56227-8

Thomas Aquinas is still most widely known for his works in systematic theology (Summa theologiae) and as a commentator of Aristotle. Recent decades, however, have seen a revived interest in Aquinas as a biblical scholar. The essays gathered in this volume explore the richness of his biblical commentaries by analyzing the hermeneutical tools employed in his reading of Scripture and investigating the contemporary relevance of his biblical exegesis. Its goal is to familiarize the contemporary reader with an indispensable dimension of his scholarly activity: as a master in Sacred Scripture (magister in sacra pagina) Aquinas taught theology as a form of speculative reading of the revealed Word of God and hence the reading of the various books of the Bible constituted the axis of his scriptural didactics. Altogether, the nineteen contributions in the volume offers an up-to-date analysis of Aquinas’s contribution to medieval biblical exegesis and points to ways in which it can enrich contemporary debates on the relation between exegesis and systematic theology.


Christopher Baglow, Timothy F. Bellamah, Lluís Clavell, Gilbert Dahan, Leo J. Elders, Jeremy Holmes, Daniel Keating, Matthew Levering, Enrique Martínez, Miroslaw Mróz, Mauricio Narváez, Marco Passarotti, Matthew J. Ramage, Elisabeth Reinhardt, Margherita Maria Rossi, Piotr Roszak, Olivier-Thomas Venard, Jörgen Vijgen, Robert J. Woźniak.

Table of contents


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