Breaking News about Medieval Studies Worldwide

Call for Papers: O Mediterrâneo e o Sul Ibérico na Época Medieval: Cultura, Identidade e Património, sécs. V-XV

O Congresso Internacional “O Mediterrâneo e o Sul Ibérico na Época Medieval: Cultura, Identidade e Património. Sécs V – XV” terá lugar nos dias 5 e 6 de Dezembro de 2013 na Universidade de Évora. Convidam-se os licenciandos, mestrandos, doutorandos, pós-doutorandos ou outros jovens investigadores que estejam a desenvolver trabalhos originais no âmbito do congresso a submeterem as suas propostas de comunicação até 31 de Julho de 2013. Os interessados devem enviar as suas propostas via *protected email* até à data indicada, com uma pequena nota biográfica e um resumo em formato PDF com até 350 palavras. A selecção das comunicações será feita pela Comissão Científica do congresso. Mais...

Newberry Library Fellowships in the Humanities, 2014-15

The application deadline for Newberry Library Long-Term Fellowships is quickly approaching! Additionally, we offer Short-Term Fellowship opportunities for smaller-scale research projects. Please read on for more information. The Newberry’s fellowships support humanities research in residence at the Newberry. If you study the humanities, we have something for you. Our collection is wide-ranging, rich, and sometimes eccentric. We offer a lively interdisciplinary community of researchers; individual consultations on your research with staff curators, librarians, and scholars; and an array of scholarly and public programs. All applicants are strongly encouraged to examine the Newberry’s online catalog before applying. More information is available on the website. LONG-TERM FELLOWSHIPS These fellowships support research and writing by post-doctoral scholars. The purpose is to support fellows as they develop or complete larger-scale studies which draw on our collections, and also to nourish intellectual exchange among fellows and the Library community. Fellowship terms range from four to twelve months with stipends of up to $50,400. Deadline: December 1, 2013 SHORT-TERM FELLOWSHIPS PhD candidates and post-doctoral scholars are eligible for short-term fellowships. The purpose is to help researchers gain access to specific materials at the Newberry that are not readily available to them  elsewhere. Short-term fellowships are usually awarded for a period of one month. Most are restricted to scholars who live and work outside the Chicago area. Most stipends are $2,500 per month. We also invite short-term fellowship applications from teams of two or three scholars to collaborate intensively on a single, substantive project. Each scholar on a team-fellowship is awarded a full stipend. Deadline: January 15,...

Diploma Programme in Manuscript Studies

The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies offers a Diploma Programme in Manuscript Studies (Toronto, 2 June – 11 July 2014). Further Information: Website Diploma Programme flyer...

Gangolf Schrimpf Visiting Fellowship: Bibliotheca Fuldensis (Fulda)

The philosopher and medievalist Gangolf Schrimpf (1935-2001) set up the research project Bibliotheca Fuldensis in 1981. His aim was to foster investigation into the medieval library of the monastery of Fulda, dispersed during the Thirty Years’ War. Since the project took off, the Fulda Faculty of Theology Promotion Society (Förderkreis der Theologischen Fakultät Fulda) has facilitated a collection of high quality reproductions featuring extant manuscripts and major fragments. The Gangolf Schrimpf Visiting Fellowship will be awarded to a junior or senior scholar with a well-defined research project within the field of medieval studies (e.g. History, Theology, Philosophy, Literature – preferably considering Fulda manuscripts) who wants to spend at least one month, and up to three months, at the Institute Bibliotheca Fuldensis, at any time during the academic year 2014 (preferably from April to May or from October to February). The fellowship is non-stipendiary. Applicants must hold an academic degree and have their own financial resources. For more information: Download...

X Colóquio da Secção Portuguesa da Associação Hispânica de Literatura Medieval

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, nos dias 6 e 7 de março 2014 O encontro decorrerá nos dias 6 e 7 de Março, na sala 5.2 da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, e terá como oradores convidados os Professores Aires A. Nascimento, na conferência de abertura, e Juan Paredes, na conferência de encerramento. MEMÓRIA foi o tema escolhido em Novembro de 2012 e é em torno dela e das diferentes configurações que pode assumir que reflectiremos desta vez, num colóquio com o qual se pretende ao mesmo tempo homenagear uma outra memória, a da colega Teresa Amado, que nos deixou, de forma totalmente inesperada, numa altura em que, como membro da Comissão Organizadora, tinha já começado a trabalhar na preparação deste encontro. Alguns tópicos: Discutida por filósofos e fisiólogos, entendida como predisposição natural ou como arte, valorizada como capacidade técnica, como método, como faculdade que permite ao homem, não apenas preservar emoções e saberes, mas também registar e transmitir factos que ajudam a construir o futuro com o conhecimento do passado, a memória tem, desde sempre, presença constante na actividade humana. Situando-se num âmbito estritamente individual ou investida de interesse colectivo, ela intervém nos gestos banais do quotidiano, participa nos processos de aprendizagem, contribui para a definição de quadros identitários, ajuda a modelar a produção literária e artística. Assim sendo, parece possível orientar os nossos trabalhos de acordo com os seguintes eixos temáticos:   a arte da memória; os lugares da memória; memória e arte (pintura, iluminura, heráldica…); memória e escrita (criação, autorização, legitimação…); memória e esquecimento; memória e filosofia; memória e história; memória e retórica; memória e tradição. Inscrições...

Bandi DAAD/Italia per 2014: Oltre 200 borse di studio per la Germania

Nel 2012 il DAAD ha incrementato del 22 % rispetto all’anno precedente il numero di borse di studio per l’Italia, il Vaticano e San Marino. Grazie a questo cospicuo aumento, quasi 500 studenti, dottorandi, post-doc e professori (solo dall’Italia) hanno potuto realizzare il loro soggiorno di studio o di ricerca in Germania. Per questo anno accademico il DAAD bandisce oltre 200 borse di studio individuali. I programmi si rivolgono a tutte le discipline e anche coloro che non conoscono il tedesco (in Germania esistono quasi 1.200 corsi di laurea e scuole di dottorato in lingua inglese). I bandi consultabili sul sito sono suddivisi per target accademico: per studenti della triennale / a ciclo unico per studenti e laureati della magistrale/specialistica per dottorandi per post-doc per professori, ricercatori e docenti Bandi DAAD – iscriviti alle News. La nostra rete di lettori in Italia è a Vostra disposizione per informazioni e consulenza: Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Genova, Milano (Statale), Napoli (L’Orientale), Palermo, Roma (Sapienza + Roma Tre), Udine e Urbino...

DiXiT – Marie Curie fellowships now open for application

The Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) offers 12 Marie Curie fellowships to early stage researchers (ESRs) for a period of 3 years and 5 Marie Curie fellowships to experienced researchers (ERs) for a period of 12 to 20 months. Fellowships are now open for applications. For details visit: The application period is now open! Interested scholars may now apply for the ESR fellowships in Antwerp, Cologne, The Hague, Graz and Rome until the10th December 2013. All the other ESR fellowships and one ER fellowship at Oxford will soon be open for application too. All fellowships start in April 2014, except for the 4 remaining ER fellowships which will start later according to the start date of the individual research project. The application period is now open! Interested scholars may now apply for the ESR fellowships in Antwerp, Cologne, The Hague, Graz and Rome until the 10th December 2013. All the other ESR fellowships and one ER fellowship at Oxford will soon be open for application too. All fellowships start in April 2014, except for the 4 remaining ER fellowships which will start later according to the start date of the individual research project. Eligibility and Mobility For all recruitments, the eligibility of the researcher will be determined at the time of recruitment and the status of the researcher will not evolve over the life-time of a contract. Early-Stage Researchers must (at the time of recruitment by the host organisation) be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not yet have a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree which would...

Claudio Leonardi Fellowship for Medieval Latin Studies

The Claudio Leonardi Fellowship of the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation for Medieval Latin Studies has been established to support scholarship in Medieval Latin Studies – in particular, research by young scholars – with a grant-in-aid in honor of Claudio Leonardi (1926-2010), founder and first president of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.). The grant will allow one scholar (doctoral or postdoctoral candidate) to spend a period of three to six months abroad pursuing research in his/her chosen field with a monthly stipend of 2,000 Swiss francs. In addition, the recipient may make use of an additional subsidy of 3,000 Swiss francs toward the cost of publication of his/her doctoral thesis or postdoctoral research on condition that the printed publication indicates the foundation support (“published with the support of the Zeno Karl Schindler-Stiftung.“) Applications should be submitted (with curriculum vitae, description of the research project, and reason for research abroad) by September 2nd, 2013, via email to: Prof. Jean-Yves Tilliette, Langue et littérature latines médiévales, Université de Genève ( Applications will then be submitted to the Governing Board of the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation for evaluation during its fall meeting. The fellowship assignment will be made during the annual S.I.S.M.E.L. General Meeting which will be held on April 12th, 2014. The winner will then be given the opportunity to present a fifteen-minute lecture on his/her research or on particular aspects of his/her doctoral or postdoctoral...

Catalogue des manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique (BnF, Paris)

Catalogue des manuscrits enluminés d’origine germanique conservés au Département des manuscrits et à la Réserve des Imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale de France Subventionné Achèvement du catalogue consacré aux manuscrits enluminés et aux incunables d’origine germanique conservés au Département des manuscrits et à la Réserve des Imprimés de la Bibliothèque nationale de France (XVe – XVIIIe siècle) et sa publication, celle-ci devant présenter la description et l’analyse du décor de 186 manuscrits et de 210 imprimés (dont 205 incunables). La parution de l’ouvrage pourrait être marquée par une exposition concernant l’enluminure germanique du Xe au XVIe siècle, en coopération avec d’autres institutions françaises ou étrangères. Domaines ou disciplines concernés Histoire de l’art Ensemble des sciences humaines par la richesse et la diversité des œuvres Impact du programme Travail de recherche, accompagné d’une illustration conséquente, ce type de catalogue est de première utilité aussi bien pour la BnF que pour les bibliothèques françaises et étrangères. Outre la mise en valeur de la production artistique, la présence d’un index iconographique en fin de catalogue offre un aspect complémentaire des bases de données iconographiques existant sur le sujet. Information...

Recherches médiévales, après le Diplôme / Ricerche medievali, dopo il Diploma

Per celebrare i 20 anni del Diploma europeo di studii medievali l’Association des anciens du Diplôme organiza a Roma un convegno aperto a tutti quelli che hanno frequentato il Diploma. Roma, 19-20 avril 2012 Istituto di Norvegia in Roma – Viale 30 Aprile, 33 Le Diplôme européen d’études médiévales a certainement été une expérience importante dans la vie professionnelle et personnelle de tous les anciens élèves. L’occasion d’étudier un an à Rome, d’avoir accès à certaines des plus importantes bibliothèques et des archives pour l’histoire médiévale, a certainement influencé notre recherche. Le Colloque pour célébrer le 20e anniversaire de la création du Diplôme Européen d’Études Médiévales a pour but de promouvoir la rencontre et le partage entre tous ceux qui ont participé au Diplôme, en offrant à chacun la possibilité de présenter ses travaux de recherche sur le Moyen Age. Il Diploma Europeo di Studi Medievale è stato senz’altro un’esperienza importante nella vita professionale e personale di tutti gli alumni. La possibilità di studiare un anno a Roma, avendo accesso ad alcune delle biblioteche ed archivi più importanti per la storia medioevale, ha sicuramente influenzato le nostre ricerche e indirizzato le scelte presse in seguito. Il Convegno per celebrare il 20º anniversario del Diploma Europeo di Studi Medievali ha come obbiettivo favorire l’incontro e condivisione fra tutti quelli che hanno frequentato il Diploma, offrendo la possibilità ad ognuno di presentare i suoi lavori di ricerca medievale. Organisation: Marta Pavón – Line Cecilie Engh Association des anciens du Diplôme Programme Giovedì 19 aprile 9.00-9.30 : Benvenuto Jacqueline Hamesse (Presidente della FIDEM) Massimo Ceresa (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana – Primo Presidente dell’Associazione) 9.30-11.00 Susanna...
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