Breaking News about Medieval Studies Worldwide

1st Summer School in Medieval Studies “Traveling in the Middle Ages – Portugal and the World”

1st Summer School in Medieval Studies “Traveling in the Middle Ages – Portugal and the World”, à l’ Institut d’ Études Médiévaux (IEM) (FCSH – Nova University of Lisbon). Cours d’été en Études Médiévaux “Voyager au Moyen Age – Portugal et le Monde”, qui sera offert par L’Institut d’Études Médiévaux et se déroulera entre le 13 et le 31 de Juillet 2015, à la Faculté de Sciences Sociales et Humaines de L’Université Nova de Lisbonne. Le cours sera offert en anglais et il contiendra un module de voyages d’étude au Portugal medieval (“Exploring medieval sites”). Plus de détails pourront être consultes à notre website...

Doctoral Student Position, University of Helsinki

The Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies ( belongs to the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, and has a strong profile in the multidisciplinary research and teaching of the humanities. Department’s project Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550 invites applications for the position of DOCTORAL STUDENT for a fixed term from November 1st, 2015 to October 31st, 2019. ( The project aims to investigate late medieval theories of mind and cognition focusing on the relation between intellect and the senses, the activity of perception, and the development of a model of cognition that is characterized by the incremental reduction of all psychological function to the mind. Candidates are expected to conduct research on the above-mentioned research project, namely by writing a dissertation on a topic related to late medieval theories of perception, especially within the Augustinian tradition. The exact topic is to be agreed upon by the selected applicant and the supervisor, who will be the project’s director (co-supervision is possible and in fact recommended). Working knowledge of Latin and medieval philosophy are obligatory requirements, and skills in reading and editing manuscripts considered an advantage. In addition to research, the successful applicant is also expected to take on some management tasks, such as maintaining the project’s website. The candidate should have a good command of the English language. The salary will be based on levels 2-4 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal work performance. There is a four-month trial...

Sharing the Holy Land – Perceptions of Shared Sacred Space in the Medieval and Early Modern Eastern Mediterranean

A symposium to be held at the Warburg Institute on 12 and 13 June: ‘Sharing the Holy Land – Perceptions of Shared Sacred Space in the Medieval and Early Modern Eastern Mediterranean’ Keynote Speakers: Prof. Osama Hamdan (Al-Quds University, Jerusalem) Prof. Bernard Hamilton (University of Nottingham) Prof. Benjamin Z. Kedar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) [as a public lecture on 11 June, hosted by Queen Mary University of London] The symposium seeks to address how Western pilgrims and the indigenous Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Levantine populations perceived the sharing of religious shrines. In particular, scholars will look at how this sharing was described in contemporary accounts and influenced the knowledge of the other faiths. Aside from texts, also the archaeology and material culture of these shared places will be discussed. The symposium will focus on the period c.1100-1600, and address the changing political context in the Levant and its influence on the sharing of sacred space. Registration: Latest version of the programme: For more information, please contact Jan Vandeburie: *protected...

O estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e dos artefactos na arqueologia da Idade Média: metodologias em comparaçao / L’étude des objet manufacturés en archéologie médiévale et l’étude des manuscrits enluminés: méthodologies comparées

13 de fevereiro – Os métodos científicos utilizados no estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e artefactos na arqueologia medieval é o tema de workshop do IEM. “Estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e dos artefactos na Arqueologia da Idade Média: metodologias em comparação” é o tema de um workshop organizado, dia 13 de fevereiro, pelo Instituto de Estudos Medievais (IEM), unidade de investigação da FCSH/NOVA. O objetivo é o de comparar, por meio da análise de alguns casos específicos, os métodos científicos utilizados no estudo dos manuscritos iluminados (história da arte) e dos artefactos encontrados no âmbito da arqueologia medieval. Em ambas as áreas, os contextos de criação e utilização dos objetos são fundamentais para a sua caracterização e compreensão. A partir de casos específicos vão traçar-se semelhanças e diferenças nos métodos de análise que caracterizam as duas disciplinas históricas. Deste modo, procura-se compreender em que medida é possível adaptar e aplicar metodologias diversas, de modo a obter um conhecimento mais profundo do objeto e do seu contexto. O evento, coorganizado pelo Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris (LAMOP), tem lugar no dia 13 de fevereiro, das 9h30 às 18h, na sala 0-06 do Edifício ID. O comité científico é constituído por Catarina Tente (IEM-FCSH/NOVA) e por Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH/NOVA-LAMOP). Consulte o...

Ana María Aldama Roy 5th International Prize for a Doctoral Thesis 2014

The Ana María Aldama Roy Foundation, which has the principal aim of promoting Latin Studies, invites applications for its Fifth International Prize for Doctoral Theses. This is open to unpublished doctoral theses on Christian, Medieval or Renaissance Latin, which have been defended in Spanish or foreign universities and research centres between October 1st, 2013 and September 30th, 2014. The winner will be awarded 2,000 euros and the thesis will be published. The theses may be presented in English, German, Basque or any of the romance languages, and must be submitted by email to *protected email*, in pdf format, before February 28th, 2015. A jury of specialists will publish the results of the Foundation’s website ( before May 31st, 2015. The author undertakes to publish the thesis still unpublished, in line with the editorial standards laid down by the Foundation which will act as the publisher. Further info: V PREMIO TESIS FUNDACION AMAR 2014 Madrid, December...

Concilium Lateranense IV

Commemorating the Octocentenary of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215  Italian Flyer  French Flyer  Spanish Flyer  More Info Committee Peter Clarke, (Southampton) Chair; Danica Summerlin (München) Secretary; Brenda Bolton (London); Barbara Bombi (Kent); Maureen Boulton (Notre Dame); Christoph Egger (Wien); Damian Smith (Saint Louis); Lila Yawn (Rome) Rome, 25-29 November 2015 On Monday 30 November 1215 in the Basilica of St John Lateran, Innocent III brought the first assembly of the whole Church since the Council of Chalcedon (451) to a rousing finale by summoning all the delegates to unite in faith and by issuing Ad Liberandam, an encyclical calling for a crusade to liberate the Holy Land. This Council, fourth in the Lateran series but the twelfth ecumenical gathering of the Church in the Western tradition, included the five patriarchs or their representatives, together with more than one thousand bishops, abbots and other dignitaries, both ecclesiastical and secular. At each of the three plenary sessions held on 11, 20 and 30 November respectively, Innocent preached a set-piece sermon whilst, behind the scenes, delegates debated such major issues as who was more worthy to lead the Empire and how to contain the Albigensian heresy. The accounts of eyewitnesses reveal that Innocent’s consecration of Santa Maria in Trastevere and celebrations for the anniversary of the dedication of the Vatican Basilica served not only to emphasize the history, majesty and ritual of the Church but also offered a welcome respite from the intensive discussions in the Lateran Palace. The Fathers of the Council promulgated seventy decrees, covering topics as diverse as heresy, Jewish-Christian relations, pastoral care...

Senses and Sensuality in the Middle Ages

2º Congreso Internacional ARDIT de Medievalistas Senses and sensuality in the Middle Ages Barcelona, 20-22 de mayo de 2015 Organizado por la Associació de Recerca i Difusió Interdisciplinària en Cultures Medievals (ARDIT), con la colaboración del Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM), el Máster en Culturas Medievales de la Universidad de Barcelona, la Societat Catalana de Filosofia (IEC) y la Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC), el 2º Congreso Internacional ARDIT de Medievalistas “Senses and sensuality in the Middle Ages” se celebrará en Barcelona los días 20, 21 y 22 de mayo de 2015. Con este nuevo encuentro de investigadores pretendemos abrir la puerta a las miradas y las reflexiones sobre los sentidos y la sensualidad en la Edad Media, ofreciendo un amplio abanico de aspectos relacionados con los varios discursos que inspira este tema: las vías de conocimiento, el placer sensorial y espiritual, o las formas plásticas y literarias que han reflejado el mundo de los sentidos en época medieval. Call for papers Download Call for Papers (PDF) Podéis presentar vuestras propuestas hasta el 31 de octubre de 2014, enviándolas en formato ODT o bien DOCX a la dirección *protected email*. El día 30 de noviembre, como máximo, recibiréis una notificación en la que se os comunicará si la propuesta ha sido aceptada por el Comité...

Anno 1517: La divisione nella Chiesa e nell’Ordine francescano

Giornata di studio Provincia Toscana di S. Francesco Stimmatizzato dei Frati Minori Sabato 25 ottobre 2014 Convento San Francesco – Via Antonio Giacomini, 3 – Firenze — Locandina ore 9,30: Saluti ore 9,45: Marco Pellegrini, La Chiesa tra la fine del Quattrocento e l’inizio del Cinquecento: riforme attese, riforme mancate, presagi di rottura ore 10,30: Pausa caffè ore 10,45: Andrea Bartocci, La bolla Ite vos: lettura ed esegesi di un atto di separazione tra Francescani conventuali e osservanti. ore 11,30: Guido Dall’Olio, Lutero e la vita religiosa ore 12,15: Discussione ore 13,00: Pausa buffet ore 15,00: Carlo Delcorno, Apogeo e crisi della predicazione francescana tra Quattro e Cinquecento. ore 15,45: Michele Camaioni, Bernardino Ochino e i dilemmi del francescanesimo di fronte alla riforma protestante. ore 16,30: Discussione ore 17,15: Pacifico Sella, Ripensare il 1517 Attività Anno Accademico 2014-2015 Lunedì 24 – giovedì 27 novembre 2014, Roma IX stage di archivistica per operatori negli archivi delle famiglie francescane Pubblicazioni Giuseppe Buffon, Khanbaliq. Profili storiografici intorno al cristianesimo in Cina dal medioevo all’età contemporanea (XIII-XIX sec.) (Medioevo, 25; Studia – Commissio sinica, 1), Ed. Antonianum, Roma 2014, pp. 341, euro 35,00. I Francescani e la crociata. Atti dell’ XI Convegno di Greccio (Greccio, 3-4 maggio 2013), a cura di A. Cacciotti e M. Melli (Collana di Frate Francesco, 15), Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, Milano 2014, pp. 396.  Contributi di di Giovanni Grado Merlo, Anna Ajello, Sergio Ferdinandi, Giuseppe Ligato, Marina Benedetti,Paolo Evangelisti, Filip Vaclav Vok, Anna Benvenuti, Franco Cardini. Colette de Corbie. Ripartire da Cristo sulle orme di Chiara. Atti della VII Giornata di studio sull’Osservanza francescana al femminile (Assisi – Monastère S. Colette, 17 novembre 2012), Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi 2014, pp. 96, euro 14,00. Interventi di  Therese Myriam Chaumont, Giuseppe...

Presentación del libro Manipulus studiorum en recuerdo de la profesora Ana María Aldama Roy

El próximo 18 de septiembre a las 12h en el Paraninfo de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad Complutense se celebrará un Acto académico en recuerdo de la profesora Ana María Aldama Roy en el que se presentará el libro Manipulus studiorum en recuerdo de la profesora Ana María Aldama Roy. En el mismo acto el Dr. José Javier Iso impartirá la conferencia titulada “Sobre el léxico poético latino: entre la estadística y la creación” y se hará entrega del IV Premio de Tesis Doctorales de la Fundación Ana María Aldama...

Medieval Journal online – French School in Rome – MEFRM, 216.2, 2014

Dear colleagues, I’m pleased to inform you that the open access version of the medieval journal published by the French School in Rome (Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Moyen Âge, 126.2, 2014) is now available online: With all best regards, On behalf of the editorial board, Stéphane Gioanni, Chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous informer que le second fascicule 2014 des Mélanges de l’École française de Rome pour le Moyen Âge est en ligne. Les articles sont gratuitement accessibles à cette adresse : Avec mes plus cordiales salutations, Pour le Comité éditorial, Stéphane Gioanni Cari colleghi, Ho il piacere di informarvi che il secondo volume 2014 dei Mélanges de l’École française de Rome pour le Moyen Âge è ormai gratuitamente accessibile online a questo indirizzo: Con i miei più cordiali saluti, Per il Comitato editoriale, Stéphane Gioanni Directeur des études médiévales Ecole française de Rome Palazzo Farnese Piazza Farnese, 67 I – 00186 Roma tél : 0039 06 68 60 12 48 courriel : *protected...
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