Breaking News about Medieval Studies Worldwide

Lecturer in Latin and Manuscript Studies

The Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of Kent is inviting applications for the ongoing role of Lecturer in Latin and Manuscript Studies. Closing date: 12 Mar 2018

Ana María Aldama Roy 8th International Prize for a Doctoral Thesis 2017

The Ana María Aldama Roy Foundation, which has the principal aim of promoting Latin Studies, invites applications for its 8th lnternational Prize for Doctoral Theses.
This is open to doctoral theses on Christian, Medieval or Renaissance Latin, which have been defended in Spanish or foreign universities and research centres between the 1st of October 2016 and the 30th of September 2017 …

XII Jornadas DE IUSTITIA ET IURE: Voluntad, Razón y Ley en el Pensar Medieval y Renacentista

  Las jornadas se centrarán en la consideración interdisciplinar de las nociones de Voluntad, Razón y Ley. Tendrán lugar el 28, 29 y 30 de agosto de 2017 en el campus de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Entidades organizadoras: Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Internacional Ley Natural y Persona Humana. Programa de Filosofía Práctica Medieval), Universidad de los Andes (Instituto de Filosofía. Grupo de Investigación en Filosofía Práctica), Universidad de Navarra, (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Estudios Medievales), Universidad Panamericana de México (Facultad de Filosofía). Con la co-organización de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UCA) y la Universidad Católica de La Plata (Facultad de Humanidades. Instituto de Inv. en Filosofía y Humanidades). Los estudiosos interesados en participar deben enviar el título y resumen de su ponencia (350 palabras máx.) y un breve cv (500 palabras máx.) a:;;; Fin de plazo: 15/07/2017...

Call for Papers: Junior Scholar Workshop on “Perception, Knowledge, and Assimilation”

  ʻAll humans naturally strive for knowledgeʼ, Aristotle famously states at the beginning of his Metaphysics. Yet philosophers have wondered ever since what it means to know something and how we can actually acquire knowledge. Can we know anything at all, and if so, where does this knowledge come from? Do we need to have sensory information first and do we have to become like the things we want to know? In the history of philosophy, diferent answers have been given to these and related questions and in this workshop we would like to discuss some of them, especially those by ancient, medieval, and early modern philosophers in the Greek, Latin, and Arabic tradition. The workshop is organised by the  ERC project “Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550” (University of Helsinki) and the  research programme “Representation and Reality. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Aristotelian Tradition” (University of Gothenburg). The organisers welcome papers by junior scholars (i.e., PhD students and early Post-Docs) on any of the above-mentioned periods and traditions with particular focus on the role of perception and/or assimilation in the process of knowledge acquisition. They will select up to 4 papers (25mins each plus 15mins for discussion) and provide meals and accommodation (for 2 nights) for those invited. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 500 euros. All participants are welcome to attend at their own cost the international conference “Knowledge as Assimilation” which takes place at the University of Helsinki immediately before the workshop (June 9-11). Those interested in presenting a paper are asked to submit a 300-word abstract (including title, name, affiliation,...

Semaines d’Études médiévales CESCM – 2017

Chaque année en juin, le CESCM (Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévales) de l’Université de Poitiers organise des conférences et visites durant deux semaines, intitulées les « Semaines d’Études Médiévales ». Ces sessions internationales et pluridisciplinaires accueillentdes étu diants et doctorants du monde entier. Vous trouverez en lien le programme de cette session (du 19 au 30 juin) et les modalités d’inscription (date limite au 30 mars), sur notre blog :...

Call for Applicants (PhD): two positions of Graduate Fellowship and one Scholarship

The DFG Research Training Group 1878 of the Universities of Bonn and Cologne on the topic of ‘Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies’ invites applications for two positions of Graduate Fellowship leading to a Ph.D. and one Doctoral Scholarship at the University of Bonn to begin on April 1st, 2017. Applications are welcome in all subjects of the Research Training Group in Bonn. Applications for the fields of Egyptology, Historical Geography and Islamic Archaeology are particularly desirable. The positions/fellowship are for 3 years. The well-supported salary will be according to the official German classification group TV-L 13 (for detailed information please see our website: The Ph.D. scholarship is 1.468 EUR per month. The RTG studies economic systems and economic spaces of pre-modern societies in terms of their structure, efficiency and dynamics (genesis, transformation processes through to a potential dissolution) as well as to analyse them in interaction with their respective physical geographical, political, societal, religious and cultural conditions. Dissertations will be focussed along three broad lines of research, ‘Economic Networks’, ‘Settlement Centres and Their Environs’ and ‘Religious Institutions and Households as Economic Units’. More detailed information can be found at: The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer. Inquiries in German or English can be sent to RTG spokespeople, Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz (*protected email*) and Prof. Dr. Michael Heinzelmann (*protected...

VII Prix International Ana María Aldama Roy de Thèses de Doctorat

  La Fondation Ana María Aldama Roy, qui a pour objectif principal la promotion des études latines, organise le VII Prix International deThèses de doctorat, auquel pourront participer les personnes qui ont soutenu leur thèse dans des  universités et centres de recherchese spagnols ou étrangers, entre le 1er octobre 2015 et le 30 septembre 2016, et dont les travaux s’intéressent au latin chrétien, médiéval et dela Renaissance. Le prix est accompagné d’une récompense de 2.000 euros et de la publication de la thèse de doctorat. Les travaux pourront être présentés dans n’importe quelle langue romane, en anglais, allemand ou basque et devront être envoyés avant le 15 mars 2017, par courrier électronique, en format pdf, à Un jury composé de spécialistes rendra publique la proposition de remise du prix sur le site Internet de la fondation (,  avant le 31 may 2017. Pour la publication de so n travail, l’auteur s’engagera à rédiger une monographie de la thèse conforme aux normes éditoriales établies parla Fondation, qui assurera le rôle d’éditeur. Madrid, Décembre...

«Sicut scriptum est». La parola scritta e i suoi molteplici valori nel Millennio Medievale

I Dottorandi in Storia Medievale dell’Università degli Studi di Torino sono lieti di comunicare che nei giorni lunedì 5 e martedì 6 dicembre 2016 si terrà, presso l’Università di Torino (via Verdi 8 e 9), il convegno «Sicut scriptum est». La parola scritta e i suoi molteplici valori nel Millennio Medievale, organizzato nell’ambito degli incontri promossi dalla Fondazione «Fondo Ricerca e Talenti» e riservato a dottorandi e giovani ricercatori. Call for papers La scadenza per l’invio delle proposte è fissata al prossimo venerdì 2 settembre. Per qualsiasi richiesta di ulteriori informazioni, problemi o segnalazioni, è possibile contattare il Comitato organizzatore all’indirizzo  *protected...

European Diploma of Mediaeval Studies – Rome, 2015 / 2016 – Notice for Students Applying

The Diploma of Mediaeval Studies entitled Diplôme européen d’étude des sources latines écrites du moyen âge, organised in the framework of the ERASMUS programme, was created at Louvain-la-Neuve in 1991. More than twenty European universities are involved, coordinated by a member of University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy) in cooperation with the Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA, Rome). Applications should be sent by September 15th 2015 either directly online on this site (DEEM Application) or by e-mail to the coordinator of the Diploma, *protected email*. Further info in our main DEEM...
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