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O estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e dos artefactos na arqueologia da Idade Média: metodologias em comparaçao / L’étude des objet manufacturés en archéologie médiévale et l’étude des manuscrits enluminés: méthodologies comparées

13 de fevereiro – Os métodos científicos utilizados no estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e artefactos na arqueologia medieval é o tema de workshop do IEM. “Estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e dos artefactos na Arqueologia da Idade Média: metodologias em comparação” é o tema de um workshop organizado, dia 13 de fevereiro, pelo Instituto de Estudos Medievais (IEM), unidade de investigação da FCSH/NOVA. O objetivo é o de comparar, por meio da análise de alguns casos específicos, os métodos científicos utilizados no estudo dos manuscritos iluminados (história da arte) e dos artefactos encontrados no âmbito da arqueologia medieval. Em ambas as áreas, os contextos de criação e utilização dos objetos são fundamentais para a sua caracterização e compreensão. A partir de casos específicos vão traçar-se semelhanças e diferenças nos métodos de análise que caracterizam as duas disciplinas históricas. Deste modo, procura-se compreender em que medida é possível adaptar e aplicar metodologias diversas, de modo a obter um conhecimento mais profundo do objeto e do seu contexto. O evento, coorganizado pelo Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris (LAMOP), tem lugar no dia 13 de fevereiro, das 9h30 às 18h, na sala 0-06 do Edifício ID. O comité científico é constituído por Catarina Tente (IEM-FCSH/NOVA) e por Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-FCSH/NOVA-LAMOP). Consulte o...

Concilium Lateranense IV

Commemorating the Octocentenary of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215  Italian Flyer  French Flyer  Spanish Flyer  More Info Committee Peter Clarke, (Southampton) Chair; Danica Summerlin (München) Secretary; Brenda Bolton (London); Barbara Bombi (Kent); Maureen Boulton (Notre Dame); Christoph Egger (Wien); Damian Smith (Saint Louis); Lila Yawn (Rome) Rome, 25-29 November 2015 On Monday 30 November 1215 in the Basilica of St John Lateran, Innocent III brought the first assembly of the whole Church since the Council of Chalcedon (451) to a rousing finale by summoning all the delegates to unite in faith and by issuing Ad Liberandam, an encyclical calling for a crusade to liberate the Holy Land. This Council, fourth in the Lateran series but the twelfth ecumenical gathering of the Church in the Western tradition, included the five patriarchs or their representatives, together with more than one thousand bishops, abbots and other dignitaries, both ecclesiastical and secular. At each of the three plenary sessions held on 11, 20 and 30 November respectively, Innocent preached a set-piece sermon whilst, behind the scenes, delegates debated such major issues as who was more worthy to lead the Empire and how to contain the Albigensian heresy. The accounts of eyewitnesses reveal that Innocent’s consecration of Santa Maria in Trastevere and celebrations for the anniversary of the dedication of the Vatican Basilica served not only to emphasize the history, majesty and ritual of the Church but also offered a welcome respite from the intensive discussions in the Lateran Palace. The Fathers of the Council promulgated seventy decrees, covering topics as diverse as heresy, Jewish-Christian relations, pastoral care...

Senses and Sensuality in the Middle Ages

2º Congreso Internacional ARDIT de Medievalistas Senses and sensuality in the Middle Ages Barcelona, 20-22 de mayo de 2015 Organizado por la Associació de Recerca i Difusió Interdisciplinària en Cultures Medievals (ARDIT), con la colaboración del Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM), el Máster en Culturas Medievales de la Universidad de Barcelona, la Societat Catalana de Filosofia (IEC) y la Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC), el 2º Congreso Internacional ARDIT de Medievalistas “Senses and sensuality in the Middle Ages” se celebrará en Barcelona los días 20, 21 y 22 de mayo de 2015. Con este nuevo encuentro de investigadores pretendemos abrir la puerta a las miradas y las reflexiones sobre los sentidos y la sensualidad en la Edad Media, ofreciendo un amplio abanico de aspectos relacionados con los varios discursos que inspira este tema: las vías de conocimiento, el placer sensorial y espiritual, o las formas plásticas y literarias que han reflejado el mundo de los sentidos en época medieval. Call for papers Download Call for Papers (PDF) Podéis presentar vuestras propuestas hasta el 31 de octubre de 2014, enviándolas en formato ODT o bien DOCX a la dirección *protected email*. El día 30 de noviembre, como máximo, recibiréis una notificación en la que se os comunicará si la propuesta ha sido aceptada por el Comité...

Anno 1517: La divisione nella Chiesa e nell’Ordine francescano

Giornata di studio Provincia Toscana di S. Francesco Stimmatizzato dei Frati Minori Sabato 25 ottobre 2014 Convento San Francesco – Via Antonio Giacomini, 3 – Firenze — Locandina ore 9,30: Saluti ore 9,45: Marco Pellegrini, La Chiesa tra la fine del Quattrocento e l’inizio del Cinquecento: riforme attese, riforme mancate, presagi di rottura ore 10,30: Pausa caffè ore 10,45: Andrea Bartocci, La bolla Ite vos: lettura ed esegesi di un atto di separazione tra Francescani conventuali e osservanti. ore 11,30: Guido Dall’Olio, Lutero e la vita religiosa ore 12,15: Discussione ore 13,00: Pausa buffet ore 15,00: Carlo Delcorno, Apogeo e crisi della predicazione francescana tra Quattro e Cinquecento. ore 15,45: Michele Camaioni, Bernardino Ochino e i dilemmi del francescanesimo di fronte alla riforma protestante. ore 16,30: Discussione ore 17,15: Pacifico Sella, Ripensare il 1517 Attività Anno Accademico 2014-2015 Lunedì 24 – giovedì 27 novembre 2014, Roma IX stage di archivistica per operatori negli archivi delle famiglie francescane Pubblicazioni Giuseppe Buffon, Khanbaliq. Profili storiografici intorno al cristianesimo in Cina dal medioevo all’età contemporanea (XIII-XIX sec.) (Medioevo, 25; Studia – Commissio sinica, 1), Ed. Antonianum, Roma 2014, pp. 341, euro 35,00. I Francescani e la crociata. Atti dell’ XI Convegno di Greccio (Greccio, 3-4 maggio 2013), a cura di A. Cacciotti e M. Melli (Collana di Frate Francesco, 15), Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, Milano 2014, pp. 396.  Contributi di di Giovanni Grado Merlo, Anna Ajello, Sergio Ferdinandi, Giuseppe Ligato, Marina Benedetti,Paolo Evangelisti, Filip Vaclav Vok, Anna Benvenuti, Franco Cardini. Colette de Corbie. Ripartire da Cristo sulle orme di Chiara. Atti della VII Giornata di studio sull’Osservanza francescana al femminile (Assisi – Monastère S. Colette, 17 novembre 2012), Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi 2014, pp. 96, euro 14,00. Interventi di  Therese Myriam Chaumont, Giuseppe...

CFP – SIEPM Colloquium Proposal 2015: Tolerance and Concepts of Otherness in Medieval Philosophy

September 9-12 2015, Maynooth University, Ireland Organized by Dr Michael W. Dunne & Dr Susan Gottlöber Keynote Speakers Professor David Luscombe (Sheffield) Professor Roberto Hofmeister Pich (Porto Alegre) Description Tolerance (and of course intolerance) and identity play key roles in our interaction with the world and the other. In fact, due to recent social and political developments, the focus of Philosophy has shifted more and more towards the problem of both inter–religious and inter–cultural dialogue and its limitations. An extremely fruitful source in order to gain a more precise understanding of the questions and problems that arise in the encounter with otherness are the reflections developed by philosophers in the Middle Ages within their respective religious and cultural contexts. This colloquium aims to examine the development of the perception of the other within the different philosophical, religious and cultural traditions by considering not only the theological background but also the philosophical presuppositions of the concepts which then were used to develop various apologetic writings and theological treatises in the late Middle Ages and Early Modern era that dealt with the questions of cultural and religious difference. The organisers invite papers exploring (but not restricted to) the following topics: The Christian perspective on the other which includes both perceptions of otherness as well as dealings with otherness (e.g. tolerance and intolerance). In the Early Middle Ages this includes the dealings with and perception of paganism and the Christian “other”, while later there is the additional focus on the relationship with Islam. This is a huge topic and would thus need to be divided into subsections as it includes topic such...

Métaphysique et cosmologie médiévales. Héritages philosophiques du Livre des causes

Une école d’été sera organisée du 15 au 20 septembre à Dijon, dans le cadre du projet « LIBER » financé par l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR-13- PDOC-0018-01) en partenariat avec le Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes (UMR 8584, EPHE-CNRS), l’École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris) et la Bibliothèque municipale de Dijon. Le thème: « Métaphysique et cosmologie médiévales. Héritages philosophiques du Livre des causes ». Le Livre des causes représente à lui seul la convergence des trois traditions philosophiques (arabe, juive, latine) qui coexistaient dans l’Europe médiévale et qui étaient fortement dépendantes de la tradition grecque. Le Livre des causes a été composé en arabe à Bagdad au IXe siècle à partir des traductions arabes de Proclus et Plotin, et traduit en hébreu et en latin à la fin du XIIe siècle. Les latins l’ont considéré comme un livre de métaphysique et l’ont attribué à Aristote. Après la traduction latine (en 1268) des Eléments de théologie, Thomas d’Aquin montre sa dépendance envers Proclus. Malgré cela, l’ouvrage a été copié, enseigné, commenté, glosé dans pratiquement tous les milieux intellectuels du XIIIe au XVIe siècle, de Paris à Oxford, de Cologne à Cracovie, de Prague à Erfurt, de Naples à Uppsala. Ainsi, dans l’histoire de la rationalité occidentale, le Livre de causes a été la grande source philosophique de la transmission du néoplatonisme, comme le Ps.-Denys l’Aréopagite en a été la source théologique. En suivant les divers itinéraires du Livre des causes et de ses sources, les interventions de l’école d’été mettront en évidence plusieurs aspects de la richesse conceptuelle que l’opuscule hérite de la philosophie gréco-arabe et lègue...

COST/IRHT: Training school

Transmission of Texts Niews tools, New approaches 31 March – 4 April 2014 Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT, Paris) is pleased to announce the Training School “Transmission of texts: new tools, new approaches”. It is funded by COST ACTION IS 1005 (Medieval Europe. Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources), and run in collaboration with Biblissima (Campus Condorcet). The Training School involves five days of intensive training (a combination of practical sessions and lectures) in the use of IRHT databases, tools, and applications developed by Digital Humanities team of Biblissima. Participants will receive a solid theoretical foundation and will develop hands-on experience with research tools dealing with the circulation of texts, manuscripts collections, and transmission of knowledge, with a special focus on interoperability between databases and new methodologies (including ontologies and TEI-XML). Languages of instruction: French and English. Applications must be submitted by midnight Monday 10 February 2014. For further information, contact : *protected...
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